Ways You Can Help!
One Night Stand
Volunteers are needed to pick up dogs on one day and foster dogs overnight
and then transport to DFW airport. To volunteer please read the volunteer
agreement and sign up. Then add the volunteer agreement in the next space.
We need foster homes for dogs in need that may need longer times in a transition home before going on to their forever home. These might be dogs that are sick, injured, recuperating from surgery, socializing, need extra TLC, etc.
Crate Assembly
Volunteers are needed to reassemble crates. This includes screwing crates together, lining crates with towels, bowls and food, adhering stickers on the crates and writing the paperwork on the crate stickers. Also some cleaning of crates when needed.
Paws Taxi
Volunteers are needed to pick up dogs at various locations and transport them to other locations (vet clinic, boarding, etc.).
Operation Transport
Volunteers are needed to get crates from SFCA, pick up dogs from Dallas Animal Services, house them overnight, and transport them to DFW Airport in the morning. DO NOT FEED THE DOGS THE FOOD ON THE CRATES. I suggest feeding them at your house early afternoon and give them time to run around. Any food you have at your house will be fine.
Specific directions follow:
SFCA is located at 619 Woolsey Dr., Dallas, TX 75224:
Go south on I-35 past downtown Dallas about 2 miles and exit Zang Blvd. Go left on Zang over the bridge and then turn right on Pratt. Then make a quick turn right again on Mayrant. Go one block and turn left on Lewellynn. Then a quick right onto Woolsey. 619 Woolsey is the 3rd house on your right. My number at the house is 214-941-1014.
Directions to American Airlines Global Priority Cargo: If you take the south side entrance into DFW you will stay in your right hand lane and stay on the north service entrance road, do not enter the toll booths. Once on the service road get in your right lane. Stay on the service road through 3 red lights then look for sign AA Global Priority crossunder #3 take this exit. Building will be on your left.
North bound entrance take service road heading south exit crossunder #4, then head back north bound and take AA global priority crossunder#3. You can go through the toll booth, exit south toll and pay toll $1. Get in far left lane and go short distance to you see a sign that says U-TURN. Make the U-TURN and get into your far right lane asap OR ---Take George Bush Tollway and exit Walnut Hill. Go west and it will take you right to the airport service road. Turn right and go to AA Global Priority exit crossunder #3. AA Global Priority will be on your left hand side.
My cell number is 214-336-9729 only use this number the morning when transporting. I do not check messages on this phone and only turn on to answer when transporting animals to the airport.
Thank you in advance for those who volunteer to save the lives of our four legged friends.
Have a Bake Sale
Have a company or neighborhood charity Bake Sale to benefit Society for Companion Animals. Recruit your coworkers and friends to donate baked goods the morning of your sale. Click here for a sample flyer you can customize and use.
Donate or Shop at The Antique Gallery of Mesquite
Located at 3330 N. Galloway, Suite 225 Mesquite, TX 75150, phone 972-270-7700, SFCA has an entire booth full of goodies. If you want to donate you can take your items antique, used or new to our booth. Bring your own stick on label or ask at desk to give you some. Mark the numbers 1111 on the sticker along with a price. Feel free to put whatever price you want if not sure ask front desk for suggestions.
Donate or Shop at Clothes Circuit
This upscale women's clothing resale shop is located at 6105 Sherry Ln, Dallas, TX 75225, phone 214-696- 8634. When you purchase items that say Society for Companion Animals as the consignee we receive the proceeds. You may also donate jewelry or clothes to go to our organization. To donate items take to the back of the building and go through the back door and there will be a desk to drop off your items.
Download Volunteer Agreement
Email Tawana Couch for more information and to sign up.